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Executive Director: Library and Information Centre
Name: Maria Frahm-Arp
Location: Library 305, Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Executive Directors, Faculty of Humanities, Rated Researchers Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 2169/2170
Personal/Executive Assistant: Ms Thabang Kekae
About Prof Maria Frahm-Arp
Brief Professional Biography
Prof Maria Frahm-Arp is a Professor in Christian Studies in Africa. She specialises in Pentecostalisms in South Africa. She is the author of Professional Women in South African Pentecostal Charismatic Churches and Into the Deep: Finding God in the Midst of Suffering. Over the last fifteen years she has worked extensively on gender in South African Pentecostal churches. Her latest journal publications focus on the relationship between Pentecostalism, politics, and economics in the lived experiences of South Africans. Prof Frahm-Arp is currently serving as the Executive Director: Library and Information Centre at UJ but continues to collaborate closely with the department, for example, as a supervisor to a number of postgraduate students.
- PhD, Warwick University (UK) (2006)
- MA in Biblical Scholarship, Wits University (2002)
Selected publications
Frahm-Arp, M., Mahlangu, N., Matlakala, K., Mogakane, D., and Segoe I. 2022. The Courage to Lead with Small Things like Kindness. In A. Janse van Vuuren (ed). Academic Libraries: Reflecting on Crisis and 4IR. Johannesburg: UJ Press.
Kgatle, M.S. & Frahm-Arp, M., 2022, ‘Abuse, power and discourse in the public trial of Timothy Omotoso’, Verbum et Ecclesia 43(1), a2270. ve.v43i1.2270
Ade-Ibijola A, Young K, Sivparsad N, Seforo M, Ally S, Olowolafe A, Frahm-Arp M. 2022. Teaching Students About Plagiarism Using a Serious Game (Plagi-Warfare): Design and Evaluation Study. JMIR Serious Games 2022;10(1):e33459. doi: 10.2196/33459. PMID: 35171103.
Frahm-Arp M. 2021. ‘‘Can’t They See They Are Being Manipulated?!’ Miracle-Prophets and Secular South African Radio.’ In Sarah Chiumbu (ed). Radio, Public Life and Citizen Deliberation in South Africa. London: Routledge.
Frahm-Arp M. 2021. ‘The Practice of Confession and Absolution as an Agent of Change in a Prophetic Pentecostal Church during COVID-19’ HTS Theological Studies. 77(4).
Frahm-Arp, M. 2021. ‘Rethinking the Course Content and Pedagogies used in Learning about ‘Asian Religions’. Journal for the Study of Religion. 31(1).
Frahm-Arp M. 2020. ‘Pneumatology and Prophetic Pentecostal Charismatic Christianity during COVID-19 in South Africa’ in Mookgo S. Kgatle and Allan H. Anderson, (eds). The Use and Abuse of the Spirit in Pentecostalism: A South African Perspective. London: Routledge. DOI eBook ISBN9781003038795
Frahm-Arp. 2019. ‘Political Activism in Pentecostal Charismatic Evangelical Churches in the 2019 Elections in South Africa’ Journal of Religion in Africa. 49: 312-336.
Frahm-Arp M. 2018. ‘Pentecostalism, Politics, and Prosperity in South Africa’, Religions 9(10), 298;
Bompani, B & Frahm-Arp, M. (eds) 2010. Development and Religion from Below: Exploring Religious Spaces in the African State. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Frahm-Arp M. 2010. Professional Women in South African Pentecostal Churches. Leiden: Brill.
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