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Professor: Food Technology and Director: Centre for Innovative Food Research (CIFR)
Name: Oluwafemi Adebo
Location: John Orr Bulding, Room 2207b Doornfontein Campus
Biotechnology and Food Technology Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 6261
About Prof Oluwafemi Adebo
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Research Interests
Prof. Oluwafemi Adebo is a Professor of Food Science and Technology and Director of the Centre for Innovative Food Research (CIFR). His research focuses on improving various food processes, food product development geared towards health promotion, and value addition using conventional, novel, and 4th industrial revolution approaches, as well as three-dimensional (3D) food printing and other innovative solutions to address food insecurity.
Food Analysis and Instrumentation
Food Science and Technology
Food Product Development
Food Components
Food Technology 1
Recent Publications
10 Most Recent Publications
- Kewuyemi, Y.O., Adebo, O.A. Complementary nutritional and health promoting constituents in germinated and probiotic fermented flours from cowpea, sorghum and orange fleshed sweet potato. Scientific Reports, 14, 1987.
- Oladimeji, B.M., Adebo, O.A. Antiobesity effect of healthy food crops and functional foods: A systematic review of their mechanisms. Food Science and Nutrition, 12, 1380-1398.
- Chinma, C.E., Adedeji, O.E., Jolayemi, S.O., Ezeocha, V.C., Ilowefah, M.A., Rosell, C.M., Adebo, J.A., Wilkin, J.D., Adebo, O.A. Impact of germination on the techno-functional properties, nutritional composition and health promoting compounds of brown rice and its products: a review. Journal of Food Science, 89, 8-32.
- Akanni, G.B., Adebo, O.A. Metabolite perturbations in fermented legumes as elucidated using metabolomics: A review. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 59, 4234-4250.
- Daji, G.A., Green, E., Akanni, G., Adebo, O.A. GC‐MS‐based metabolomics elucidates the impact of cereal-based microbial starters on the metabolite profile of mahewu prepared from yellow maize. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 59, 4268-4280.
- Mudau, M., Adebo, O.A. Three dimensional (3D)-printed foods: A review of recent advances in their ingredients, printing techniques, food printers, post-processing methods, consumer acceptance and safety. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 47, e14621.
- Fasogbon, B.M., Adebo, O.A. Properties and metabolite profiling of Bambara groundnut flour as affected by different food processing conditions. Applied Food Research, 4, 100389.
- Olorunfemi, B.O., Nwulu, N.I., Adebo, O.A., Kavadias, K.A. Advancements in machine visions for fruit sorting and grading: A bibliometric analysis, systematic review, and future research directions. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 16, 101154.
- Onyeaka, H., Adeboye, D., Akande, E., Onyeoziri, I., Adebo, O.A, Modupe, A., Thera-Sekgweng, S.N. Beyond hunger: Unveiling the rights to food in sub-Saharan Africa. Food and Energy Security, 13, e530.
- Oyeyinka, S.A., Agbaje, R.O., Babayeju, A.A., Opaleke, D.O., Kolawole, F.L., Badmos, A.A., Njobeh, P.B., Adebo, O.A. Consumer perception and physicochemical properties of crude groundnut oil in comparison with selected vegetable oil. Discover Food, 4, 50.
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