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Name: Raj Mestry
Location: B Ring 425-A / RS 234 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
NRF Rated Researchers Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 11 559 2683 / 5248
Curriculum Vitae Raj MestryAbout Prof Raj Mestry
Prof Raj Mestry’s has two main research foci emphasising social justice and equity in education: Financial Management and Women Leadership. He has received local and international recognition from scholars in the field of education leadership and management. He serves as executive member of the Education Association of South Africa and is a member of the prestigious American Education Research Association (AERA) and the British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society (BELMAS). In 2012, he was awarded the Research Medal for his research contribution to education from the Education Association of South Africa. Prof Raj Mestry is now an Emeritus Professor but NRF rated