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Professor and Vice-Dean: Research and Innovation
Name: Sarita Ramsaroop
Location: GNA 223, Robert Sobukwe Building Soweto Campus
Department of Childhood Education, Faculty of Education, NRF Rated Researchers, Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 11 559 5448
About Prof Sarita Ramsaroop
Sarita Ramsaroop is an Associate Professor and Vice-Dean: Research and Innovation at the Faculty of Education, University of Johannesburg. Her teaching and scholarship in higher education is in teacher education. Her main research focuses on student engagement in coursework and fieldwork, specifically in interrogating the role of schools in bridging the divide between student teachers learning in coursework and fieldwork and strengthening mentoring and school-university partnerships. A second area of expertise is teaching Social Sciences in the primary school (History and Geography). She is currently involved in research projects investigating the role of partner schools in the education of student-teachers, project-based learning and mixed-reality research. Internationally, she is involved in collaborative research projects with the University of Helsinki. She has published at the national and international levels, and also serves as a supervisor for postgraduate students.
Recent Publications
Ramsaroop, S & Petersen, N. (2020). Building Professional Competencies Through a Service Learning ‘Gallery Walk’ in Primary School Teacher Education, Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 17(4), 2020.
Available at:
Loukomies, A., Petersen, N., Ramsaroop, S., Henning, E., & Lavonen, J. (2022). Student teachers’ situational engagement during teaching practice in Finland and South Africa. The Teacher Educator, 1-25.
Van der Haar, H., Petersen, N & Ramsaroop, S (2022). Differentiating between experience and expertise in mentoring student teachers. South African Journal of Education.
Selepe, K., Ramsaroop, S. And Carolin, A. (2022). Incorporating indigenous knowledge in the teaching of weather and climate in primary school classrooms in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Journal of Geography Education in Africa (JoGEA), 5: 1 – 25.
Ramsaroop, S. (2023). Rethinking university pedagogy: challenges and opportunities for curriculum transformation in the era of Covid-19 pandemic. In Teaching and Learning from a Curriculum Transformation Perspective: Future Implications in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. IGI Global, 213-228.
Ramsaroop, S., Batchelor J., & Petersen, N. (2023). COVID-19 – lessons learnt: a teacher education leadership perspective. In Gravett, S & Petersen, N. (Eds.). Future-proofing Teacher Education: Voices from South Africa and beyond, Chapter 13. Routledge.
Lavonen, J., Ramsaroop, s., Loukomies, A., Petersen, N., & Henning, E. (2023). Domains and Origins of Information and Knowledge Encountered by Pre-Service Teachers During Professional Experiences in Helsinki and Johannesburg. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education (CAPJ)
Cancelliere, S., Ramsaroop, S., & Petersen, N. (2023). Infusing 21st-century competencies into scripted foundation phase literacy lessons. South African Journal of Childhood Education, 13(1), 1288.
Gravett, S., Van der Merwe, D., Ramsaroop, S., Tshabalala, P., Bremner, C., & Mello, P. (2023). Mixed-reality simulation to support practice learning of preservice teachers. Education sciences, 13(10), 1062.
Ramsaroop, S., Mahase, M.F. & Petersen, N. (2024). ‘Bridging the theory-practice divide: Reflections of school-based student teachers’, South African Journal of Childhood Education14(1), a1558.
Gravett, S., Ramsaroop, S., & Petersen, N. (2025). Inquiry-oriented and practice-based teacher education in partnerships with schools: A South African perspective. In I. Menter, R. A. Valeeva and M. Prata-Linhares (Eds.), Globalization and teacher education in the BRICS countries: the positioning of research and practice in comparative perspective, Routledge.