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Distinguished Visiting Professor
Name: Timothy Teo
CALTSTEAM Staff, Department Mathematics Science and Technology Education, Distinguished Visiting Professors, Faculty of Education, MSTEd Staff Staff Members
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About Prof Timothy Teo
Host: Prof. Ramnarain
Timothy Teo (Ph.D.) is Professor and Associate Dean (Research) at the Faculty of Education at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Timothy’s research interests are multi-disciplinary and include both substantive and methodological areas Timothy is Editor-in-Chief of The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (TAPER) (Scopus Q1; SSCI Q2) and a member of over 10 journal editorial boards. A highly published and cited scholar, Timothy has edited three books and written many book chapters and conference papers, and published over 205 journal articles, with 158 in highly ranked SSCI journals. His Google Scholar citations are over 19,600 with an H-index of 72.