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Name: Ragi Bashonga
Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 0115592879
About Ms Ragi Bashonga
Ragi is a PhD candidate in Sociology at the University of Cape Town. Ragi has over five years’ experience as a researcher at the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and has also worked as a researcher in the NGO sector and National government. Ragi is a former Centre of Excellence grantee in Human Development. She forms part of the 2017 cohort of Brightest Young Minds in Africa.
- MSocSci Industrial Sociology and Labour Studies, University of Pretoria
- Hons Industrial Sociology, University of Johannesburg
- BA, University of Pretoria
Research Interests
- Migration and Diaspora studies
- Inequality
- Youth studies
- Gender
- Politics of identity
- Creative Methodologies
Khuzwayo, Z and Bashonga, R. 2020. Feminism and Fallism in Institutions: In conversation with Jackie Dugard. #MeToo and Sexual Violence. Wits Press & Zubaan [accepted for publication]
Bashonga, R. 2020. Home, Belonging and Africanity in the film Black Panther. Oxford Handbook of Youth Studies.
Bashonga, R. 2020. ‘Life has no trigger warnings’: Reflections on triggering in contexts of violence. Feminist Theory.
Bashonga, R. 2018. ‘Love in a time of xenophobia’. In I want to go home forever (eds. L.B. Landau & T. Pampalone). Wits University Press: Johannesburg.
Bashonga, R and Khuzwayo, K. 2017. ‘This thing of the victim has to prove that the perp intended to assault is kak!’: Social media responses to sexual violence on South African university campuses. Agenda.