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Name: Sindile Mkhatshwa
Location: 278 Maropeng Building Doornfontein Campus
Department of Geology Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0)11 559 4738
About Dr Sindile Mkhatshwa
Sindile Mkhatshwa is a qualified professionally registered geologist and lecturer at the University of Johannesburg (Doornfontein campus), with work experience in hard-rock underground mining geology. She completed a Geology PhD degree in geometallurgy, based on uranium and gold-bearing ore characterisation to improve recovery factors at a mine in the West Rand.
Research Interests
Geometallurgy, process mineralogy and economic geology
Principles of Geology for 2nd years in Engineering Metallurgy
Recent publications
- Ogunmefun, A.O., Ayodele, O., Bayode, L., Anamu, U., Olorundaisi, E., Mkhatshwa S., Babalola, J., Ngeleshi, M., Odetola, P., Olubambi, P.A. (2024). Influence of sintering temperature on Ti6Al4V-Si3N4-ZrO2 ternary composites prepared by spark plasma sintering. Manufacturing Review 11, 5.
- Ogunmefun, A.O., Olubambi, P.A., Bayode, B.M., Anamu, U., Olorundaisi, E., Ayodele,O., Babalola, B., Mkhatshwa, S., Odetola, P., Ngeleshi, K. (2024). Densification, microstructure, and nanomechanical evaluation of pulsed electric sintered zirconia-silicon nitride reinforced Ti-6Al-4 V alloy. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 130 (7), 3649-3660.
- Mkhatshwa, S. F. (2021). A geometallurgical characterization of uranium mineralization in the A1, A5, E9EC and UE1A reefs at Sibanye-Stillwater’s Cooke operations, Randfontein Estates, South Africa. PhD thesis, University of Johannesburg.
- Mkhatshwa, S.F., Guy, B.M., Smith, A.J.B., Viljoen, K.S., (2020). A mineralogical perspective on the recovery of uranium from brannerite-rich ore at Cooke Section, West Rand Goldfield, South Africa. South African Journal of Geology Vol. 123, No. 4.
- Mkhatshwa, S. F. (2012). Assessment of the mineralogical variability of the A1, UE1A, and A5-reefs at Cooke Section, Rand Uranium, using MLA-based automated mineralogy. MSc Thesis University of Johannesburg.