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Name: Siphamandla Zondi
Location: B ring 2 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
DPIR Professors, Department of Politics and International Relations Staff, Faculty of Humanities, Rated Researchers Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 4918
About Prof Siphamandla Zondi
Siphamandla Zondi co-teaches the introduction to politics course to first year class and teaches research methodology and politics of research at postgraduate level. He also coordinates the UJ network on BRICS research. Zondi is founding editor of the Journal of BRICS Studies, and editor in chief of both the African Journal of Political Science and the Internal Journal of African Renaissance Studies. He heads both the Institute for Pan-African Thought and Conversation as well as the UJ-UWI joint entity, the Institute for Global African Affairs. His recent books including African Voices in search of a Decolonial Turn (2022), The Political Economy of Intra-BRICS Cooperation (2022), Responsible and Responsive Local Government (2023) and recently published NGOs, Africa and Global Power (2024). He is working on research on global governance and Africa, digital local governance, and the alignment of development planning at local, national and global levels.