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Name: Themba Mathe
Location: John Orr Building 7164 Doornfontein Campus
Physics Academic Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 6531
About Dr Themba Mathe
Teaching: Physics 1: Chemical Engineering/Engineering Metallurgy/Extraction Metallurgy, Engineering Physics II, Physics I: Environmental Health, Physics I for Engineering Students, Physics I for Life Sciences, Physics II: Electromagnetism, Physics III: Particle Physics, Physics I: Health Sciences, Quantum Mechanics (Hons)
Research Interests
Dr Mathe’s research interest is in the photoluminescence studies, focussing on the effects of incorporating anions, such as (BO33-, PO43-, SO42- ) on the photoluminescence properties of Yttrium Oxide (Y2O3), doped and co-doped with rare-earth ions (Eu3+, Er3+, Yb3+/Eu3+ and Yb3+/Er3+). In our research, the latter is done via down- and up-conversion schemes, respectively. Our research demonstrates that when anions are incorporated on the nanophosphors, photoluminescence characteristics are enhanced. The tuning of the concentration of the dopants and co-dopants also play a role in improving the colour purity of the nanophosphors. The aim is to patent these nanophosphors and use them in colour display systems for commercial and industrial applications.
Selected Research Publications
- Mathe, T.G., Balakrishna, A., Mamo, M.A., Ntwaeaborwa, O.M., Kroon, R.E., Coetsee, L., Swart, H.C. and Reddy, L., 2024. Substitutional effects of the anionic group systems [BO33−],[PO43−], and [SO42−] on the down-conversion photoluminescence properties of Y2O3: Er3+ nanophosphors. Current Applied Physics, 67, pp.151-163.
- Mathe, T.G., Balakrishna, A., Mamo, M.A., Ntwaeaborwa, O.M., Kroon, R.E., Coetsee, E., Swart, H.C. and Reddy, L., 2024. A study on the impact of [BO33−],[PO43−] and [SO42−] ions in normal cubic structures via structural and photoluminescence properties of Y2O3: Eu3+ phosphors. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1299, p.137127.
- Reddy, L., Letswalo, M.L., Sefage, A.P., Kheswa, B.V., Balakrishna, A., Changundega, J.M., Mvelase, M.J., Kheswa, K.A., Majola, S.N.T., Mathe, T. and Seakamela, T., 2022. Integrity vs. Quality of Assessments: Are They Compromised on the Online Platform? Pedagogical Research, 7(2).
- Nair, P., Reddy, L., Ramaila, S., Mathe, T. and Muronga, A., The impact of community engagement initiatives at Soweto science centre of the University of Johannesburg in addressing the subject knowledge deficiency of learners in the Further Education and training band. Life Sciences, 143(140), p.135.
- Mathe, T.G., Moyo, T. and Msomi, J.Z., 2008. Optical properties of Zn0.5 (Ni, Co)0.5 Fe2O4 mixed spinel ferrite thin films. physica status solidi c, 5(2), pp.591-593.
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