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Senior Lecturer
Name: Whitney Rosenberg
Location: A-Ring 628 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Academic Law Staff, Law Lecturers, Law Senior Lecturers, Private Law Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27(0)11 559 2609
About Dr W Rosenberg
Whitney Rosenberg obtained her LLB in 2010 and a Masters in Contract law in 2011 both from the University of Johannesburg. She was admitted as an attorney of the High Court of South Africa in May 2013 after successfully completing her articles of clerkship and passing the attorneys admission examination. She is a member of the Legal Practice Council and is on the non-practising roll of attorneys. Currently Whitney Rosenberg is a senior lecturer at the University of Johannesburg where she lectures the Law of Persons and Family in the Department of Private Law. Whitney Rosenberg is an emerging researcher and has over the years produced and published several publications, majority of which have been published in well-known accredited and internationally recognised publications such as the Journal for Contemporary Roman-Dutch law and the Journal of South African law.
W Rosenberg “The Illegality of Baby Safes as a Hindrance to Woman who want to Relinquish their Parental Rights” Athens Journal of Law (JOL) (2015) and in Selected Issues in Modern Jurisprudence by the Athens Institute for Education and Research (2016).
AE Boniface and W Rosenberg “The Potential Effects of the Legalisation of Baby Safes and Anonymous Birth on the Parental Responsibilities and Rights of Unmarried Fathers in South Africa” Journal for Contemporary Roman-Dutch Law (THRHR) 2017.
W Rosenberg “A Disconnect between South African Adoption Laws and the Plight of Orphans” Journal of South African Law (TSAR) 2017.
AE Boniface and W Rosenberg “The Challenges in Relation to Undocumented Abandoned Children in South Africa” Journal of South African Law (TSAR) 2019.
W Rosenberg “Does the Right to Know One’s Origins Exist and can it be Limited?” Journal of South African Law (TSAR) 2020.
W Rosenberg “Mechanisms adopted in curbing unsafe infant abandonment: A comparison between Namibia and South Africa” African Human Rights Law Journal (AHRJ) 2021.
W Rosenberg “The mother’s right to privacy in infant abandonment cases” Journal of South Africa Law (TSAR) 2022.
W Rosenberg “The Impact of Covid-19 on Child Abandonment in South Africa” in a book entitled The Impact of Covid-19 on the Future of Law and Related Disciplines. UJ Press 2022.
Her thesis entitled “The Legal Regulation of Infant Abandonment in South Africa” investigates a safe method of infant relinquishment after the scourge in unsafe infant abandonments in South Africa. She has also presented at various international and national conferences such as the 16th International Society of Family Law (ISFL) Conference in Amsterdam in 2017 and the 29th World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR), Switzerland 2019. She is also co-founder and President of Baby Savers of South Africa a non-profit organization that provides support to organisations wishing to implement baby savers as a method of safe infant relinquishment. She has presented to Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Social Development on the topic of legalising baby savers in SA. She has also more recently won second-runner up Woza Award in the category Social Justice Activist/ Human Rights Activist/ Pro Bono Lawyer for her work on baby savers. Dr Rosenberg also started a petition in support of her research which achieved more than 22 000 signatures of support. Her research interests include Constitutional law, Human Rights law and Family law among others.