AI recruiting microbes can speed up staple crop resilience

The AI-powered microbeMASST search tool presents a promising way to speed up development of agricultural products in the age of less predictable growing seasons.

A rapid field test for beer malting barley

Farmers, silo operators and import agents may soon be able to test barley for germination efficiency themselves with a simple, 30-minute test they can do while going about their business.

San STEM-related Cultural Knowledge & Virtual Reality

School learners can explore how San people of the Kalahari Desert in Southern Africa observe the moon.

How ancient bowhunting technology developed focused human attention

Bowhunting technology invented in Africa likely helped to shape how we can pay attention today, surrounded by mobile devices.

Student teachers teaching VR avatars

Student teachers enter immersive Virtual Reality with diverse, sometimes rowdy primary school “avatars” – and learn how to ask good questions during a lesson.

May 2024 Research & Innovation @UJ Magazine

From crypto currency risk, to extreme bacteria teams for e-waste, to how allopathic and traditional medicines can collide.

Sensitive crypto risk detection

A promising technique to better assess portfolio vulnerability to extreme price swings, also known as tail risk.

UJRI Magazine ewaste

Extreme bacteria vs mixed metals in the e-waste era

“Team extreme bacteria” recovers metals from powdered computer electronics, using much less energy and water than conventional methods.

UJRI magazine cannabidiol article

Dismantling cancer cells with a cannabis derivative and laser light

Laser light with hypericin and simultaneous CBD delivers promising results on hormone-responsive cancer cells in the laboratory.

Vulnerable tree species yields potential diabetes treatment

A chemical compound from a tree poached for traditional medicine is being developed into a complimentary treatment for diabetes.

How allopathic and traditional medicines collide

Building a bridge over the silence about traditional medicines at hospitals.

January 2024 Research & Innovation @UJ Magazine

See how researchers at the University of Johannesburg explore solutions to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Photocatalyst for drug-free fresh water

A new type of photocatalyst shows significant potential for improving fresh water quality in rivers and dams which receive waste water, using the energy of the sun.

Sorghum bran packs a bigger punch than the whole grain

Sorghum bran has much higher levels of some essential amino acids and minerals needed for human health than a whole grain or dehulled sorghum flour.

Safer evacuation with one device

A new type of collapsible lightweight stairchair / wheelchair / stretcher aims to protect patients and EMS paramedics from injury and equip more ambulances.

Deciphering outlier success

Investigating how the South African citrus export industry emerged as the second biggest in the world after Spain.

Transnational cooperation for endangered wildlife

Profits from illegal wildlife trafficking continue to enter the global financial system. New AML measures are needed.