DHET University Capacity Development Grant
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DHET University Capacity Development Grant (UCDG):
The purpose of the grant is to develop research capacity for academic staff (permanent or fixed-term) through six approved DHET projects. These projects are aligned to UJ’s 2025 strategic goals.
Project 1
Improvement of staff qualifications: Supporting academic staff (Permanent/Fixed term) to complete qualifications, with special reference to doctoral qualifications.
Project 2
Research career development of emerging and mid-career researchers: Applicants in this category would be academic staff (Permanent/Fixed term) emerging and mid-career researchers who plan to improve their academic profile, in various areas that require improvement to become established, academic researchers.
Project 3
Improving staff research productivity, innovation and quality: Applicants in this category would be academic staff (Permanent/Fixed term) who plan to increase their research output in preparation for an application for NRF rating, promotion and to enhance their research profile.
Project 4
Supervision development: The objective of the project is to increase the number of academic staff (Permanent/Fixed term) attending supervision enrichment workshops, the Postgraduate Supervision Forums, or those enrolling for the formal UJ supervision courses hosted by the Post Graduate School.
Project 5
Mobility grant for UJ academic staff (Permanent/Fixed term): Opportunities for international travel and accommodation for research collaborations aimed at strengthening research collaborations and partnerships.
Project 6
Promoting Postgraduate quality: This project focuses on programmes, interventions and resources designed to improve postgraduate retention and time to completion of master’s and doctoral studies, and to promote quality research outputs, as well as to develop ‘soft’ skills/(post)graduate attributes that contribute to employability.
Project 7
Women Leadership Development Programme: The Research Leadership Programme (RLP) is a 12-month programme, specifically aimed at developing research leadership for outstanding female academic researchers with an academic profile equivalent to NRF C and Y ratings, to accelerate their advancement towards becoming world-renowned scholars (the equivalent of NRF A- & B-rated scholars)