Project Management Office
PMO Objectives
- Deliver successful IT projects
- Build Project Management professionalism among ICS staff
- Keep ICS’s Management Team and Project Management community informed
- Serve as the ICS’s authority on IT Project Management practice
PMO- Project Management Office manages all Enterprise IT projects either directly or indirectly and is accountable for successful project delivery.
- The EPMO directly manages other IT projects on request:
- Sponsors make their requests to the PMO. PMO and client collaborate to decide where resources should be allocated
- PMO provides Project Management services for the project
- PMO is accountable for successful project delivery
- PMO deals directly with the Sponsor
- PMO enforces its Project Management standards in these projects.
- The PMO indirectly manages other IT projects on request:
- Sponsors make their requests to the PMO. PMO and client collaborate to decide where PMO resources should be allocated
- Department provides the Project Manager for the project
- Project Manager reports on dotted line to PMO for duration of project. PMO provides guidance to the Project Manager but under normal circumstances would not provide direct Project Management services.
- PMO is accountable for successful project delivery
- PMO enforces its Project Management standards in these projects.
In addition, the PMO
- Performs quality audits on request
- Performs risk audits on request
PMO considers a project to be a complete success when the following are true:
- Pre-defined Business Objectives and Project Goals were achieved or exceeded (i.e., the project satisfied the need that created it)
- A high-quality product is fully implemented and utilized
- Project delivery met or beat schedule and budget targets
- There are multiple winners:
- Project participants have pride of ownership and feel good about their work
- The customer is happy
- Management has met its goals.
- Project results helped build a good reputation
Methods are in place for continual monitoring and evaluation
PMO Success Factors:
The PMO will be more successful in the long-term if the following can be achieved:
- The PMO functions and services/deliverables are prioritized and implemented in a time-phased manner
- The project provided with team members who has the right set of skills and experience
- A consistent approach to planning and managing projects across the organization
- Internal Project Management training is provided at all levels (from staff to Senior Executive)
- Project Management is recognized as a core competency (i.e. as part of the organization’s culture)
- The PMO’s balance between project support and control functions is defined and communicated to ensure that departments understand what is expected of them and what they should expect from the PMO
- The PMO staff understands the culture; the organization intentionally modifies its culture to support its goals
- The PMO leverages industry standards and best practices
- The organization defines its strategy; the PMO focuses on those projects central to realization of the strategy
- The PMO adjusts its operation based on continuous customer feedback
- The PMO designs a scalable Project Management system (process and tools)
- The organization recognizes that some groups and individuals will embrace Project Management change better than others.