Teaching and Learning
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (DVC): Academic is responsible for the core business related to teaching and learning. The domain is supported by three divisions, headed respectively by the Senior Director: Academic Development and Support, the Senior Director: Division for Teaching Excellence, and the Senior Director: Division of Institutional Planning, Evaluation and Monitoring.
The University of Johannesburg’s (UJ) strategic directions are encapsulated in its Strategic Plan 2025, the current version of which covers the years 2014-2025. While its six strategic objectives span a wide range of areas of activity, Strategic Objective Two focuses on achieving excellence in teaching and learning. More specifically, this means contributing to the increasing stature of the University through becoming recognised for offering quality higher education programmes to a large and diverse study body. Attention to curriculum renewal ensures that its programmes are relevant in terms of the socioeconomic context of South Africa, and that they prepare graduates adequately for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). As a comprehensive university, UJ offers academic programmes ranging from undergraduate diplomas that are closely allied to the world of work, to pure and applied research-based doctoral qualifications. UJ’s academic programmes are also informed by its growing research production and undergirded by an emphasis on the scholarship of teaching and learning