The South African National Resource Centre for the First Year Experience and Students in Transition (SANRC)

Established in 2015 with a Teaching Development Grant (TDG) from the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), the SANRC is a fully-fledged independent national centre based at the University of Johannesburg under the auspices of the Academic Development Centre (ADC).
The SANRC was set up to address the need of South Africa’s higher education sector to respond to the problem of poor throughput rates at tertiary level. Toward this end the SANRC focuses on the following key objectives: (a) setting a scholarly agenda for South Africa’s First-Year Experience (FYE) community through dedicated initiatives to promote the growth of a uniquely South African pool of academic literature on the FYE; (b) providing the kinds of FYE resources and materials which can be used by South Africa’s FYE community to better inform and support their work on student transitions and success and; (c) encouraging national and international networking in order to help promote improved coherence and collaboration among South Africa’s FYE community.
The SANRC is an affiliate of the National Resource Centre for the First Year Experience and Students in Transition (NRC), a centre based at the University of South Carolina in the United States and continues to operate in partnership with the NRC.