Regular work undertaken by DIPEM:

The work of DIPEM is organised into three functional areas: Monitoring and Evaluation, Institutional Research and Planning, and Data Governance.

University Strategic Plan, UJ APP, DHET APP

Dipem University Strategic Plan

Activities in this area include:

  • Responsible for finalising the annual UJ APP .
  •  Providing the 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarterly reports on the UJ APP, and the interim 4th quarter report.
  • Participating in the audit of the APPs, and preparation of data for REMCO.
  • Finalising year-end report of DHET APP; mid-year report DHET APP on an annual basis.
  • Monitoring Strat Plan indicators and preparing presentations for MEC breakaway and Council.
  • Facilitating in the development of a new 10-year strategic plan through a consultative process.
  • Developing a new online data input and collection process, and dashboard for the strategic plan.

Enrolment planning and monitoring – Annual Planning

Activities in this area include:

  • Closely monitoring enrolment at the beginning of the year in particular, and as the year progresses, providing input to guide the process.
  • Providing data analyses of enrolment trends, scenario plans and budget implications in terms of TIUs.
  • Developing a detailed enrolment plan for the following year in conjunction with the faculties and steering a complex iterative process through various levels.
  • Reporting on enrolment at various university committees.
  • Preparing presentations on enrolment for various committees and working groups.
Dipem Enrolment Planning And Monitoring

Surveys – undergraduate, postgraduate, employability, PG dropout

Dipem Surveys

Activities in this area include:

  • Ethical clearance processes for all surveys.
  • Graduate employability survey.
  • Post-graduate experience survey.
  • Undergraduate experience survey.
  • Post-graduate dropout survey.
  • Revision of survey instruments.
  • Survey reports and presentations at both institutional and faculty levels.
  • Reporting at relevant university committees.
  • Additional institutional research methods to augment surveys e.g. literature review, qualitative research methods.

Rankings submissions and analysis

Activities in this area include:

  • Collecting and collating data according to the requirements of various rankings agencies.
  • Cleaning and sorting the data for submission.
  • Submitting data and information (e.g. policies) to the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings in 17 different areas.
  • Submitting to the QS and THE agencies for various rankings e.g. World University Rankings and Employability Rankings.
  • Updating lists of academics and employers for agencies to use in their survey processes.
  • Receiving and analysing rankings results and providing reports to the executive and to media relations.
  • Preparing presentations on rankings systems and results.
  • Analysing rankings systems and recommending actions at UJ in various domains for the purpose of optimising outcomes.
Dipem Rankings Submissions And Analysis

Data provision and tool development; data governance

Dipem Data Governance

Activities in this area include:

  • Providing data for various processes – audit, quarterly reporting, strategic plan monitoring.
  • Providing analyses, reports and presentations for Council and executive e.g. on student success, cohort tracking, dropout rates etc.
  • Ensuring that data governance protocols are adhered to in various domains.
  • Maintaining the HEDA environment and developing new modules or dashboards where needed.
  • Assisting other domains with data interpretation and systems development e.g. PGS
  • Dealing with a multitude of data requests and queries from across the university.
  • Providing data for external reporting.
  • Ensuring successful audits of reporting data.

VC Consultation meetings with Senior Leadership

  • There are two such meetings held annually that are hosted by DIPEM.
Stakeholder Footprint
Dipem Stakeholder Footpriont External
Dipem Stakeholder Footpriont Internal