Advanced Diploma in Art and Design
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Faculty Website: Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
Department: Department of Jewellery Design and Manufacture
Programme Level: Postgraduate
Programme Name: Advanced Diploma in Art and Design
Programme Code: A7AD1Q
Medium of Facilitation: part-time, Full-Time
NQF Level: 7
NQF Credits: 120
SAQA: 112564
Application Start Date: 1 May 2024
Application End Date: 30 November 2024
Campus: Auckland Park Bunting Road
Contacts: 011 559-1117 or 011 559-1098
Duration of Study: 1-Year full time and OR 2 Years part-time
The purpose of the Advanced Diploma in Art and Design is to empower students with advanced practical and critical thinking skills through multi-disciplinary projects and discipline-specific applications, to aid thinking and problem solving through art and design. The Advanced Diploma will equip graduates with the knowledge, values and attitudes needed to contribute to various design professions and related disciplines in order to address important pertinent issues through practice.
Admission Requirements
The following minimum admission requirements must be met: A National Senior Certificate with requirements as outlined below or an equivalent qualification at an equivalent standard as determined by a Status Committee. A National Certificate (Vocational) would not be considered. Minimum APS: 23 with Mathematics or 24 with Mathematical Literacy, Language of teaching and learning: 4 Other recognised language: 4 Mathematics (Maths) only: 4 Mathematical Literacy: 5 Additional requirements after meeting minimum requirements: Entrance assessment and submission of a specified portfolio.
Selection Process
Prospective students must attend an entrance assessment. Candidates are invited to the entrance assessment and are selected after the successful completion of the following tasks: an interview, a written essay component, a practical assessment that tests two and three-dimensional skills, and the presentation of a prescribed portfolio (see Faculty Information Brochure Successful candidates are selected as follows: The four tasks of the entrance assessment are assessed by Departmental assessors according to specified assessment criteria. Candidates who are competent in all tasks are accepted. Candidates who are not competent in all tasks are not accepted. Candidates who are competent in some but not all tasks are considered and accepted based on the highest number of competent tasks in a descending order. If all candidates are assessed as competent, candidates who demonstrate best practice will be accepted in order of merit based on the number of seats available. Candidates who are not accepted may on request receive verbal feedback. Portfolios must be presented neatly and well organised in a flat portfolio and not in a roll. The professional quality of the portfolio and the work it contains will form the basis of the assessment. The portfolio must contain the following: A receipt indicating that the application form has been submitted to the University of Johannesburg&%2339;s Student Enrolment Centre. A certified copy of the applicant&%2339;s ID. A certified copy of his/her latest results in the Senior Certificate examination or equivalent qualification. A signed declaration that the portfolio is the applicant&%2339;s own work. The six projects outlined below. NB: Submission of a portfolio must only take place once you have officially applied to the university and have been invited by the faculty to participate in the selection process. Portfolios must be presented neatly and well organised in a flat portfolio and not in a roll. The professional quality of the portfolio and the work it contains will form the basis of the assessment. T The portfolio must contain the following: A receipt indicating that the application form has been submitted to the University of Johannesburg applications office. A certified copy of the applicant’s ID. A certified copy of his/her latest results in the Senior Certificate examination or equivalent qualification. A signed declaration that the portfolio is the applicant’s own work. The four projects outlined below. Project 1: Drawing Produce an accurate drawing of a wooden chair against a plain background. The whole chair must be represented. This drawing must be done free-hand, not using a ruler, compass, or any other technical drawing instrument or object to help create the drawing. Medium and format: Pencil on white A2 paper. Assessment criteria: Adherence to instructions, accurate drawing skill, skilful use of medium, composition. Project 2: Lettering Divide an A2 piece of paper into 16 equally sized rectangles. Letter the word “sign” differently in each of the 16 squares. Medium and format: A variety of art mediums must be used, from the traditional, such as pencil, to the non-traditional, such as potato print or stencil, on A2 paper or board. Adherence to instructions, creative thinking, skilful use of media, composition. Project 3: Describing a process using drawings – comic strip Create a five-panel comic strip, using only pictures (no words), to clearly explain the process of frying an egg. Medium and format: Any appropriate drawing medium may be selected, such as pencil or pen, on good-quality A3 paper or board. Assessment criteria: Adherence to instructions, creative thinking, appropriate selection and skilful use of medium, composition, story-telling skill, visual communication skill, appropriateness of style. Project 4: Ten examples of your own work Include ten examples of your own visual art and/or design. Medium and format: drawings, photocopies, photographs, prints or PDF’s. Art and design skills, drawing skills, creativity, technical ability and attitude.
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