Short Learning Programme in Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing)
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Faculty Website: Faculty of Health Sciences
Department: Department of Emergency Medical Care
Programme Level: Continuous Education Programmes
Programme Name: Additive Manufacturing (3D printing)
Programme Code: S9AMHO
Medium of Facilitation: Online
NQF Level:
NQF Credits:
Senate Approval: S318/2022(3)
Application Start Date: 1 April 2024
Application End Date: 31 December 2025
Campus: Online
Contacts: 011 559 6075
Duration of Study: 4 Months
With the fundamental knowledge required to understand the Additive Manufacturing process value-chain. This would be achieved through technical discussions of the different AM technologies, and these includes:
- AM materials used.
- AM value-chain from translating a real world object to a CAD model, and the ultimate printing of the object.
Making a financial business case for AM technologies.
Admission Requirements
There are no extensive entry requirements other than an interest in healthcare technology and biomedical engineering, together with a specific interest in 3D printing and/or additive manufacturing in healthcare and it’s applications.
Two entry requirements that are fundamental are that students should have done Mathematics and Physical Sciences at Senior Certificate level, as some of the computations would require the understanding of the concepts developed at Senior Certificate level.
More Information
Please use the following application Specific Token when applying: HSCSLP1UJ Faculties
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